We’ve been fed massive amounts of stereotypes, so much so that even some of my gay friends who don’t like fashion/make-up/working
out/bright colors feel as though they’re not “gay enough.” In the same manner that not all girls like to get their hair done or wear frothy
dresses, having a certain sexual preference doesn’t mean you morph into Carson Kressley overnight.

Yes, there are the expected fashion designers, theater actors, and hairdressers. But there are also basketball fans and soldiers, conservatives
and liberals, brothers and friends. The spectrum is wide, and there is no one-size-fits-all type of personality suited to the same sexual preference.

Monday, September 9, 2013

U.S. says visas from gay spouses to USA will get equal treatment

WANT TO GO TO THE USA? If you gay you can now! Just like the women finding men before now its men finding men to find a better life.  Great news for those intelligent enough to make it happen.....
Gays and lesbians ecstatic: US okays visa petitions for same sex marriages

A nice gay US citizen man immediately consulted with me when he learned of Napolitano’s directive. He wanted his long-time boyfriend in the Philippines who could not get a visa to migrate to the US. When I explained that the new USCIS policy (re: same sex marriages) does not mean that he could marry his boyfriend in the Philippines and then file an immigrant visa petition for him, he was on the verge of crying. Such a marriage could not be used because same sex marriages are not legal in the Philippines.

But he came out of my office ecstatic and crying with joy when I told him that he could file a fiancée visa petition for his boyfriend.  Under the new USCIS policies consistent with the Supreme Court decision and the directive of Secretary Napolitano, though yet untested, it is likely that the fiancée visa petition will be approved.  If so, the boyfriend can come to the US in a few months and then they can get married here in California where same sex marriages are legal after which the guy would get his immigrant visa.  Read the full original article at this link
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American Embassy in Philippines issues first visas to gay couples

Manila LGBT lauds US Embassy's 1st same-sex fiancé visa
 How do I apply for a Fiance Visa?


DHS to reconsider immigration petitions for gay couples

The new guidelines also allow U.S. citizens to bring those they're engaged to into the country ahead of scheduled marriages.

"As long as all other immigration requirements are met, a same-sex engagement may allow your fiancé to enter the United States for marriage," the guidelines state.
Read the full original article at this link copy and paste in browser
Which States Allow Gay Marriage?
Read the full original article at this link copy and paste in browser
U.S. says visas from gay spouses to USA will get equal treatment

Secretary of State John Kerry, announcing the measure at the U.S. embassy in London, said the shift will allow the department to start processing requests from married gay couples the same way it handles those from heterosexual spouses.

"As long as a marriage has been performed in the jurisdiction that recognizes it, then that marriage is valid under U.S. immigration laws. Every married couple will be treated exactly the same, and that is what we believe is appropriate," Kerry said.
Read the full original article at this link copy and paste in browser
Sponsoring a Fiancé or Spouse for a Visa or Green Card
Read the full original article at this link copy and paste in browser

Try Craigslist for meeting other foreigner guys

Philippines cities to find visitors in the personals section men to men or meet foreigners in malls click these links

For ladies to meet men check this page for links

Sunday, January 6, 2013



Myth buster:

Gay people are as varied in appearance and behaviour as heterosexual people. Their beliefs and values have as broad a range as you can imagine. Although stereotypes might have originally been based on genuine observations, they tends to be based around the most visible element of a minority group. It’s human nature to want to label things so that we can make sense of the world. Putting all gay people in a box and assuming they all behave in a certain way makes it easier to deal with the unknown. SO YOU CAN BE GAY AND ACT COMPLETELY STRAIGHT ACTING

I’ve worked with straight people in the past who were very surprised that I seemed so ‘normal’ and not like what they had expected of a gay man. You might hold stereotypes in your mind of minority groups, but try to be open minded and see the broader picture. Sexuality should be a way of assuming how someone behaves or what motivates them. Remember too that if a person does exhibit stereotypical traits, such qualities are not necessarily negative.  READ MORE AT THIS LINK

Is homosexuality a choice? Can it be changed?

Sexual orientation is not a choice. I didn’t choose to be gay. I’ve never met anyone who claims to have done so. Indeed, I remember being bullied in school for being gay before I knew I was! People knew I was different because that's just the way I was built. For everyone, puberty kicks in and you find yourself being sexually attracted to other people, and there's not a thing you can do about it. You can't hurry, control or direct those feelings.

Since I started this website I’ve read hundreds of emails from young people who’d give anything to be straight. Not because they think that being gay is wrong, but because they think being straight is the only way to be accepted by God and their peers. They would love to have a choice in their sexuality but nobody does.
Would it make sense, in a world that can be so hostile toward gay and bisexual people, for anyone to choose to be anything but heterosexual?

Some conservative denominations believe that a gay person can be 'cured' of homosexuality and become heterosexual. This is supposedly achieved through prayer - God can change you if you ask him sincerely - or reparative or conversion therapy. This is based on the idea that since homosexuality is chosen or caused by poor upbringing, that it can be treated, like any other psychological problem. Such treatments, and their effectiveness, haven't been fully studied, and many feel that they can be dangerous to a person's mental health, causing depression, low self-esteem, subsequent substance abuse, and even suicidal urges. These treatments are unproven and experimental. The majority of those who undergo them experience failure in their ability to change their sexuality and either feel worse about their situation or move on to accept themselves as they are.

Most mental health professionals believe that homosexuality is a naturally occurring type of sexual orientation and cannot be altered through therapy or by other means. I think that being encouraged to attempt to change a fundamental and normal part of your being, and being told that becoming heterosexual is the only way to be accepted by God, is sinister and deeply dangerous to a person's mental health.

Science suggests that homosexuality is genetic. In other words, you are born gay, just like you are born with a certain eye colour. Whatever weird and wonderful stuff creates a straight, gay or bisexual person, happens in the womb.

I think that the only way to be truly happy is to embrace who you are. The closer you come to liking yourself and everything that you are, the happier, healthier and more fulfilled you'll become. You'll also be able to accept and enjoy the love of others if you accept yourself. The alternative to self-acceptance is not a cure, but a path of denial and repression, or worse.  FROM