We’ve been fed massive amounts of stereotypes, so much so that even some of my gay friends who don’t like fashion/make-up/working
out/bright colors feel as though they’re not “gay enough.” In the same manner that not all girls like to get their hair done or wear frothy
dresses, having a certain sexual preference doesn’t mean you morph into Carson Kressley overnight.

Yes, there are the expected fashion designers, theater actors, and hairdressers. But there are also basketball fans and soldiers, conservatives
and liberals, brothers and friends. The spectrum is wide, and there is no one-size-fits-all type of personality suited to the same sexual preference.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Do you only read part of the religious book?

Oh, good lord: the usual "I'm not homophobic, but..." comments. Yeah, the Bible teaches "lying with another man..." is a sin, but so is wearing a cotton/poly blend (Lev 19:19). Hell, it teaches that disobedient children should be put to death,  that the "Tattoo Lifestyle" is a sin, but that keeping slaves isn't. Clearly, some sins are more equal than others. And if being gay is an "Alternative Lifestyle," than who leads "The Heterosexual Lifestyle?" Paris Hilton? O.J.? Larry Craig? Cher?

  I am very, very sad for those of you who claim to be Christian and yet do not know your Bible's history, and who clearly have never read a single history book. Same-sex love has been around as long as we have. The Bible, including its condemnations, was written by people, with political agendas. O do you just believe what people tell you to because they are at the head of the room in a robe passing out the wine and bread? Because I've got a loaf and a bottle of merlot right now.

Invoking Religion/faith  isn’t just for conservatives anymore

You don’t have to be Christian to know the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do to you. In fact, scholars note that it is the one precept common to all major faith traditions. But in his interview with ABC’s Robin Roberts on Wednesday, President Obama cited the Golden Rule as found in Matthew 7:12 when describing the role his Christian faith played in leading him to support same-sex marriage.

“When we think about our faith,” he explained, “the thing at root that we think about is not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf, but it’s also the Golden Rule. . . . Treat others the way you would want to be treated.” 

Announcing to the nation that he thinks that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry wasn’t the first time Obama has linked his Protestant beliefs to his support for specific policies. In his address at the National Prayer Breakfast this year, he credited his faith for inspiring policies as diverse as funding for medical research and eliminating tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. “Living by the principle that we are our brother’s keeper [and] caring for the poor and those in need,” Obama said, are values “that have defined my own faith journey.”

Serious Discussions & Growth

Help Reconciling Faith and Sexuality

A Letter to Louise - A Biblical Affirmation of Homosexuality
A straight pastor who once believed homosexuality to be chosen and sinful, came to the conclusion, upon studying the scriptures in depth, that it is not. In depth study of passages from the OT and NT.
An invaluable resource for both GLBT persons and straight family members.
visit website

Gay and Christian
This site shows that a person can be both a true Christian and a loving, sexually-active gay man or lesbian. It also shows that the Bible’s condemnation of same-sex intercourse does not apply today.
visit website

 The Bible has been used to justify a lot of really disgusting things, and eventually we somehow managed to conveniently ignore the passages that talk about slavery, rape, murder and subjugating women (among other delightful fare).





Murder in the Bible

Biblical Contradictions

Strong drink was forbidden in the Bible

Every Biblical Argument Against Being Gay, Debunked Biblically